ELARD believes that safe food and environment are the
building blocks for sustainable development, and the increase demand for Food Safety
Management Services in the Arab Middle East and the commitment of agro-food
industries to develop its own food safety prerequisites in harmony with
international and national standards and technical legislations. Pharmaceutical
and Para-Pharmaceutical show the same needs to comply with the similar
appropriate requirements.
ELARD Quality by Design Department assists agro-food
industries, pharmaceutical and para-pharmaceutical industries, water bottling industries,
hospitals, health care facilities and hospitality services to hone their
competitive edge by establishing and verifying procedures and practices that
ensure quality, wholesome and safe products and services. ELARD aim to raise
and boost food hygiene, plant layout design and quality standards in industries
engaged in catering, processing and distribution of food, medical and
pharmaceutical products. We can help you meet the laws set by the different
inspection national and international authorities and ensure full compliance with the technical legislations required for your goods starting from
design to production and protect your business in cost-effective management
ELARD helps in: